Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fun-Filled Friday

Dear Whit,

Ever since I started working for Pizza Pizza, Fridays had become my 'dreaded day' since it usually meant longer hours at work. Today however, time went by real quickly and at the end of my shift, I met up with Aubrey at the STC station and together we took the subway to Yonge and Bloor where we met up with the others [Leslie, JonJon, Beverly, Kudzi and Matt]. I teased her about her new "boyfriends" all the way there ... wooo ... Ken and Leroy!

Leslie drew us [exluding Matt - Matt is missing =( ] on a napkin. She even got my height and Kudzi's skin colour right. See a picture of it here. She and Bev also made a "life list" (?) or something of the sort: list 1 | list 2 .

We had originally planned on eating at the Korean Grill House along Yonge, but it was 11:15pm when we all got together and that restaurant branch closed at 12am. Thinking that 45 minutes wasn't long enough, we walked aaaall the way down Yonge street towards the branch by Rachel's dad's Pizza Pizza store.

It was a highly entertaining walk [I didn't notice the time, but I'm estimating that it took us a good half an hour or so to get there - we were distracted several times along the way]. Bev and I took turns taking videos of random moments, including Matt's spectacular stunts and of Kudzi trying to throw me in front of a car while I was riding on her back. Bish.

Too tired to go through all the details - trust me there were a lot of memorable ones. But seeing as I've only had less than 4 hours of sleep I think I should retire - I've got work again tomorrow.

P.S: We've made an 'unofficial' pact to hang out at LEAST once a month, to keep the friendship goin' strong. Wise move, I say. Now I've got something to look forward to every month. ♥

- Tha Happy Boo

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