Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oh Boy.

Dear Whit,

I've just returned to my room after a half-hour long lecture from my dad. I'm not even sure what the point of the whole conversation was - he kept digressing. One moment we were talking about why I still haven't got my driving license, and the next thing I know he was talking about drinking water.

Typical parents. Dads especially. They digress. If there's one thing I've learnt from elementary school, it's never ask your dad for help with homework. Ask them what's one plus one and they'll end up teaching you the whole multiplication table.

I've got an idea for my next flash cartoon. It's going to be based on a comic I haven't released on my site yet. I probably will release it next week, but in the meantime, I'm gonna start working on the toon. Yay! Brahahahaha!

- Tha Weirdo Boo

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