Dear Whit,
Well happy for the rest of you, maybe. My Thanksgiving dinner was all shitty, owing to the fact that I wasn't even present when the turkey was cut. I had to go to the IVM call center to get programs re-installed for work and I spent a good two-three hours there. By the time I got home, the turkey was all bones and all I had were the scraps. =(
Dad's guests [who we, well the parents, invited over for dinner] also finished my drink!
So I was upstairs in my room with scraps of turkey topped with cranberry sauce, and with a glass of juice. They finished my sparkling wine! I am not very happy.
And to think I was looking forward all year to that turkey ...Oh well.
I do have something to be thankful for though - my VPN dialer finally works! I can finally work from home again! Yus! No need for me to travel an hour everyday to get to work! :dance:
It was pretty fun at the center yesterday though - I worked for a bit, while Raj and all tried to fix my computer. Raj tried to do that linking paperclips trick, and I think I seriously embarrassed him by telling him that was a trick I knew of since I was five. Aw. =( Raj is cool!
I went on his MSN and made a Muggin that looked like him. Haha! =D
8 days till Christmas, Whit! Woohoo. [Pauses] Or is it? [Evil music in the background].
- Tha Somewhat-Pissed Boo