Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fun-Filled Friday

Dear Whit,

Ever since I started working for Pizza Pizza, Fridays had become my 'dreaded day' since it usually meant longer hours at work. Today however, time went by real quickly and at the end of my shift, I met up with Aubrey at the STC station and together we took the subway to Yonge and Bloor where we met up with the others [Leslie, JonJon, Beverly, Kudzi and Matt]. I teased her about her new "boyfriends" all the way there ... wooo ... Ken and Leroy!

Leslie drew us [exluding Matt - Matt is missing =( ] on a napkin. She even got my height and Kudzi's skin colour right. See a picture of it here. She and Bev also made a "life list" (?) or something of the sort: list 1 | list 2 .

We had originally planned on eating at the Korean Grill House along Yonge, but it was 11:15pm when we all got together and that restaurant branch closed at 12am. Thinking that 45 minutes wasn't long enough, we walked aaaall the way down Yonge street towards the branch by Rachel's dad's Pizza Pizza store.

It was a highly entertaining walk [I didn't notice the time, but I'm estimating that it took us a good half an hour or so to get there - we were distracted several times along the way]. Bev and I took turns taking videos of random moments, including Matt's spectacular stunts and of Kudzi trying to throw me in front of a car while I was riding on her back. Bish.

Too tired to go through all the details - trust me there were a lot of memorable ones. But seeing as I've only had less than 4 hours of sleep I think I should retire - I've got work again tomorrow.

P.S: We've made an 'unofficial' pact to hang out at LEAST once a month, to keep the friendship goin' strong. Wise move, I say. Now I've got something to look forward to every month. ♥

- Tha Happy Boo

Friday, September 29, 2006

I Shall Be Rich, Bish!

Dear Whit,

I'm supposed to meet Leslie at OCS in about half an hour, but I'm tired and sleepy; I was up all night uploading songs for Lasitha. Anyway, I was sleeping all day yesterday, so I wasn't tired at all last night. Leslie can kick my ass if I don't turn up at OCS at 11:30am, we're gonna see each other tonight at Korean BBQ anyway.

I managed to configure a Ragnarok bot! Took a lot of work [testing, getting co-ordinates and fixing commands] ... but I did it! Phew. Now I'm knowledgeable in something else! I have taken my brilliance to the next level! And now I can sit down and relax, or go out, and my bot will be earning me gold. ♥ That's right, bish.

- Tha Tired But Pleased Boo

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hanging Out With Beverly.

Dear Whit,

Ever since the last time Bev came over to my place, we haven't been hanging out a lot. Apart from the fact that her mom has been awfully and unnecessarily strict, she has uni all week except Tuesday, so I took the opportunity to hang out with her yesterday.

She was actually supposed to be going to York for a study period at the library with her new uni friend, Gloria [she's Korean and she seems really nice]. I spent two and a half hours on the floor [the chair wasn't comfortable] reading The Da Vinci Code [again] while they talked about Chemistry. Honestly, I did not undertstand a word they were saying, so I was glad to zone out and engross myself in the adventures of Robert Langdon.

Time went by slow, but at the end Beverly rewarded me with a hot dog! Mmm ... topped with ketchup and lots and lots of bacon bits. Mmm! We even saw Robert and Robby in the campus. Mmm ... university students.

Afterwards, Bev and I took the bus and went to the mall just behind her brother's school. We took pictures while sitting on the bench, snuffed some stuff at the Body Shop, I used the public toilet and then I got myself a hot cup of Green Tea latte. Mmm, MMM!

While waiting on the bus we saw this korean/japanese/chinese/vietnamese couple making out ... ON TOP OF A SEWER! And Bev and I were laughing our heads off at the thought of them falling in it in the middle of their snog. It was fun. We had some stares, but it was fun. See, Bev and I together ... we are a dangerously crazy mix.

On my way home I met up with Kudzi on the bus, and she was desperate to use the washoom so I let her use mine at home since it's closer than where she lives. I swear to Lord Snottus, I could hear her pee all the way from my bedroom upstairs ... and she was using the bathroom in the basement.

Friday the gang's supposed to be meeting up at the Korean BBQ downtown. Beverly won't be able to make it [most likely, because of her awfully strict mother - come on the girl's 18!] but Aubrey, Leslie, Kudzi and JonJon will be for sure. JonJon's paying for me coz I'm a bum.

So there's my day. I'm looking forward to Friday, and Saturday coz that is PAYCHEQUE DAY!

- Tha Happy Boo

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Cleaning My Room

Dear Whit,

So I have stopped being lazy for a while and am currently cleaning my room and changing my bedsheets while dancing to The Elliott Project.

No more green bedsheets. Now it's red. Yay! Christmas is coming [excited 2 months early].

P.S: 23 more days.

- Tha Busy Boo

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Boring Blog.

Dear Whit,

This blog's blackness is beginning to look kinda boring, isn't it? I should change it using my uber coding skills!

Yeah right.

More green! More orange! More pictures of kitty porn!

- Tha Crazy Boo

Sick. Stupid. Awful.

Dear Whit,

It's 11:16am! AMG! I ended up not going to work yesterday coz I honestly felt sick. And tired. I was sniffling and sneezing all day. Imagine if I went to work and all the customer heard was [sniff, sniff] and [achoooo]. But anyway ...

I'm gonna go work today. I have to. I can't afford to get another crappy paycheck.

Gah! I just looked at my Metropass holder! Dad took my Metropass! Well then, Mom's just going to have to pick me up from work now. Good thing too - takes me an hour to get back, because the buses are stupid. Oh yes, they are.

I had an awful dream the other night too. It involved a lot of running. And shouting. Hmm ... maybe that's the reason I woke up tired and with my voice sounding kinda hoarse.

- Tha Crappy Boo

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hmm BooGrrs.

Dear Whit,

Been a while since my last post, but a lot has been happening.

Firstly, I FINISHED ANOTHER COMIC! I know I've said it a million times before, but this time I mean it: I am seriously, seriously out of ideas. I was quite pleased when I came up with a random comic idea and it actually came out pretty good.

It started after I ordered 24 chicken wings (12 + 12 = 24!), 3 bruschetta pieces and a box of potato wedges from double double - all just for me. After eating all of that (never eat bruschetta - disgusting things, just bread and tomatoes and seasoning and barely any cheese. So not worth my money.) I felt so bloated so I put "I feel fat" after my MSN name. I got a lotta comments on that, and one of them led to a conversation funny enough to comic-ize.

Mmm ...

Anyway ...

Robin finally finished writing his whole "Truth" story, and I have to say I am damn impressed. The way he wrote it was amazing - he wrote it effortlessly and the way he told his story was very detailed, yet interesting. There were a lot of facts to remember, but he had them all set up. Twenty-two pages in all, written in less than a week.

And here I was, trying to write a similar story and so far I've managed to complete about eleven pages. It took me two months. I think I should stick to drawing.

Anyway, he let me read the story and upon reaching the end of it, everything fell into place. All the questions I had about things happening on his side have finally been answered. It was so simple, so unexpected ... but now everything makes sense.

I hope Amanda reads it and understands. It explains so much, and I won't be surprised if she feels at least a bit guilty now. Robin had been acting for the better all this time, and here I was, doubting him.

Speaking of which, Nikki has "returned". From what I know, she misses Jo.

"I've been able to do is compare the guys Im with to Josh. And they never seem to measure up to him."
Interesting, isn't it, Whit? She misses Jo. Hmm.

But whatever. Jo's dead. Too bad. Her fault.

Amagad - I bought myself an entire box of Lipton ® Green Tea! Mmm! There were about 12 in there I think ... I finished like 7 already. I need to pee again.


Anyway! I've got work today. It's 7:21am. Shall I go catch some sleep now so that I can be awake for work? Or shall I just stay up tonight? Hmm.

I seem to be hmming a lot today. Hmm, boogrrs. Hamboogrrs. Mmm.

- Tha Funny Boo

Friday, September 15, 2006

Who To Believe?

Dear Whit,

Things are beginning to seem a bit more complicated. Amanda - is she really unhappy? Is her grandma really ill? Or is she just making a bunch of excuses to get rid of Robin?

If she is, why does she want to get rid of him? Just a month ago, they were doing great together. All of a sudden, as if overnight, she changes her mind. Loses her love for him. How? Why?

I have a lot of hateful things I would like to say right now. To Amanda. I hope she realizes what she's doing to him. She claims she never has time for him anymore, but even Robin who used to work all day, managed to find time to send her messages, and give her random calls during his bathroom breaks.

Now she's spending a lot of time with her two "boy friends", Danny and Kyle. She might be going out with Danny. It's possible. She asked him aloud over the phone: "Danny are you my boyfriend?" She could've easily asked him to say no. Just like when she was drunk. "Hey, am I drunk?" Her friends answered no, but she obviously was.

Robin's right. It's so hard to trust people now. I guess I sorta understand now why Amanda would suspect me. But still.

- Tha Confused And Angry Boo

Thursday, September 14, 2006

What Is The World Coming To?

Dear Whit,

Seems like the world is getting crazier and crazier everyday. All the stupid wars, and the stupid acts of violence. A week ago, three people were stabbed on the 19th floor of the Delta Chelsea Hotel where Mom works. Yesterday, a crazy 25-year-old man walked into a Montreal college cafeteria and began to shoot random people.

This madman turns out to have an account with VampireFreaks, a gothic website that Messie nudged me to join ages and ages ago. I found out that he went by the name of Fatality666 and I went to check it out. They deleted his profile, but kept his journal. For future police references I suppose. From what I've read, he's a big drinker and he likes guns. He's also addicted to some shooting game, and he had planned his attack based on that.

Anyway, this guy randomly starts shooting students, killing one and injuring several others. Mad, I tell you. If he wanted to shoot people down, he could've at least tried shooting government people. Students are still in their innocent stage. It's the goverment that we should kick in the ass. Better yet, he could've gone down to the US and shot George Bush. Too late to hope for that now, though. The police shot the guy dead. The Montreal shooter guy, not George Bush.

It's funny too ... the tour group who had been staying at Mom's hotel during the stabbing incident, had left to tour Montreal. Lo and behold, when they get there, they come across a random shooting. They'll have a lot to tell their friends when they get back from their tour. The foreigners must think we Canadians are violent. We aren't really. We're just crazy.

Anyhow, on a much brighter note, I GOT AN EMAIL FROM MR. PERRONE! ♥ He was telling me that he had visited my website and that I definitely should submit my work for publishing. He also mentioned the Canadian Film Board, and I'm seriously considering sending my cartoons to them. After I touch them up to look better than they do now.

The email from Perrone was highly unexpected. He actually searched my site to get my email. How nice. He told me to go visit him again sometime, which I'm sure I will be doing. I could sit through another one of his classes and never get bored. He cracks the funniest jokes and says the weirdest, most random things, that man. I love him! ♥ He was my ultimate source of comic ideas, and he still is - no one's provided me more ideas than he has. He's definitely one of the best teachers I've ever had - pity I've only had him once.

Anyway - I'm craving for salad. I'm sure there's still some more in the fridge. Mmm ... Caesar ... with bacon and cheese ... screw the croutons, I prefer them on the side.

-Tha Boo

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Happy Birthday, Oreo!

Dear Whit,

How could I have forgotten? It's Oreo's birthday - he's a year old today! Should've bought him catnip or something - but then again he's already hyper without it. Today, we found his toy mouse on Mom's bed. Oooh!

-Tha Happy Boo

Missing O'Connor.

Dear Whit,

I just back home and I'm tired. I've been walking around all day and the stupid construction work at Ellesmere isn't helping. I had to cross the street back and forth to avoid being covered in dust, or being run over by cars and bulldozers.

I left home after KC's school bus picked her up and went to go visit O'Connor again. I promised Mhiren I'd be there by 9am-ish, but due to the stupid construction, and the stupid buses, I got there about 45 minutes later. I even had to sign up for a visitor's pass. Some new policy, apparently. I don't like it.

Anyway, it was by luck that I found Jesse there - he was visiting too, and together we roamed the halls of OCS bumping into teachers and old friends. A lot of '06 graduates are still there, for upgrades I suppose - Frances, Kathleen, Brenda, Maryday ... we even bumped into Natalie, but she was there as a teacher-in-training for Madame Manoli. I miss O'Connor, I do. I miss the halls, going to classes, the lockers. Anashe, Rachel and Shereena's sisters are all attending O'Connor now too. I all the niners that they oughta make the most of high school. High school was the best 4 years of my life, and for sure it'd be theirs too.

I saw Perrone and asked him if he saw the little "note" I wedged into his car yesterday. He thought it had something to do with me. Next time I'll bring along my comic book too and show him his boogrrized self - complete with the pink face, the beard and the hair.

I met up with Beverly at Parkway Mall afterwards too. We spent 30-45 minutes just talking and reminiscing about high school, and how easy it was compared to her life at York University right now.

Anyway, off to go and drown myself in root beer cans.

- Tha Nostalgic Boo

Monday, September 11, 2006


Dear Whit,

There's a friggen big spider in my room that looks suspiciously like a black widow spider! Oh noes! I tried to squish it with my Kentucky Fried Chicken moist towelette [kinda hard now, coz it's not so moist anymore] but it escaped and fell behind the table with the printer. Now I don't know where it is!

I remember my Grade 12 English teacher, Mr. Pesando [eccentric old fellow], telling us that black widow bites don't kill you. But then I remembered him adding that they don't kill, but the bites cause enough pain for a human to wish he was dead.

How comforting.

I'm going back to searching for that damn spider. I hope it either gets eaten by Oreo, is stupid enough to kill itself, dies from the smell of Oreo's poo, or isn't a black widow in the first place.

- Tha Worried Boo

P.S: I'm craving for a chocolate fudge cake.


Dear Whit,

I didn't mention it, but Robin actually showed himself on webcam for me this weekend after trying for ages and ages to persuade him to. He kept trying to hide his face, but I managed to catch him on it a couple of times. I took a couple of screenshots and videos, so now I finally have the reason why he doesn't want anyone to see him, both on video and in pictures.

He's got wounds and scratches on his face, most likely from when he was lying face-down on broken glass. He does look a bit of a mess. Due to the bad webcam quality, it doesn't show much, but I know from when I saw him at Rachel's that he does look pretty bad. It doesn't quite show in the video I took of him there, because he actually put on "make-up" or something to make it less obvious. But close-up you can still see it. It's healing, but the bumps and red-marks and scars are still there.

I also wonder what's up with Amanda now. Robin says he's pretty much giving up hope. He's not letting go, just not getting his hopes of getting her back too high up. He thinks that because he and Amanda have been "apart" for quite a while now, she might be getting used to not being with him anymore.

I think he'll eventually get over her. I trusted her, but if she's actually doing this to him right now, I might have been wrong all along and she's really not worth it. I'm just worried that the thing we've been dreading will indeed happen, and if it does, Robin doesn't want to come back anymore.

In a way, he might be better off that way. He won't need to remember, and there sure will be much less heartache and pain for him. Still, I'd miss him if he leaves.

- Tha Thoughtful Boo

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oh Boy.

Dear Whit,

I've just returned to my room after a half-hour long lecture from my dad. I'm not even sure what the point of the whole conversation was - he kept digressing. One moment we were talking about why I still haven't got my driving license, and the next thing I know he was talking about drinking water.

Typical parents. Dads especially. They digress. If there's one thing I've learnt from elementary school, it's never ask your dad for help with homework. Ask them what's one plus one and they'll end up teaching you the whole multiplication table.

I've got an idea for my next flash cartoon. It's going to be based on a comic I haven't released on my site yet. I probably will release it next week, but in the meantime, I'm gonna start working on the toon. Yay! Brahahahaha!

- Tha Weirdo Boo

Another Fan!?

Dear Whit,

Amagash! Shiro introduced me to this guy who happened to like my comics. Aw, a new fan? Har har!

It'd be really cool if my comics made it big. Of course I'm not really expecting it to - but who knows? If it does, that'd be whacked. I wouldn't mind living in a small apartment [since I only stay in my room anyway] and living off meager earnings if I can at least make a living doing what I like. Sure I always fantasize about me making it big, but who doesn't?

I'll be content living an average life anyway. Rich people usually turn out to be conceited little snobs.

- Tha Hopeful Boo

Fucked Up Body Clock.

Dear Whit,

My body clock is totally fucked up. I can't go to sleep and it's 4:11am. Watch me go to bed at around 8am and refuse to wake up well into the afternoon.

Think I'll go play Age Of Empires to while away time.

This is the bum that I have become.

- Tha Messed-Up Boo

Come October. Not.

Dear Whit,

Three more weeks and October will be upon us. Looking forward to Hallowe'en and getting candy. I suppose, midget that I am, I can still pass off as a kid. Hehehe.

[Sigh ...]

But on a more serious note, I'm actually dreading the end of October. The weather's starting to get gloomier and gloomier, and even the trees seem to be reflecting the mood by shedding their leaves. It's almost like Robin's depression is contagious.

It's 1:50am and I'm not tired. Robin's not online and the last time I talked to him he seemed really put down. I keep telling him to get a grip, but whatever. He was supposed to go back to York a few days ago, I think, but his dad's keeping him locked up "till it's safe". Talk about overprotective.

I won a free pizza, by the way. Actually I won it last week during a labour day draw at work. I still have to get my coupon though. Wish I could have it now. I'm starved, and I don't know what to eat. All I had when I got home from work was a [literally] stinkin' tuna.

Anyway. Off to go scavenge for some food in the cupboards. Be right back, bish.

- Tha Hungry Boo

The Complexity Of It All. Dammit.

Dear Whit,

Robin's got a blog, so what the hell, so should I. Anyway, with all the things that's been happening now, I suppose it's only fair to my sanity that I should have someone to spill my inner emotions to. Sure I can tell my friends, but sometimes even your best friend just can't understand what you're going through. At least you don't talk back; it's not advice that I need, it's someone to listen to all my gibber. And guess what, Whit, you're it.

So the whole Robin and Amanda situation is beginning to get out of hand. It's like another Nikki and Jo situation all over again. Sometimes I wonder why I bother letting myself get involved with situations like these. It's totally not helping me one bit. I feel so poopy. And bitchy.

What's more, there's a bunch of baby spiders gone loose in my bedroom. They keep dangling on their little webs in front of me and it's getting annoying. They don't freak me out - they're too tiny to freak me out. I squish them with my fingers to get them out of the way. It's the bigger ones I don't like, and eventually these small ones will grow and get big, then have sex amongst themselves and make more midget spiders. It's not fun. Oreo likes them though - he's eaten about 5 already.

So back to the Robin and Amanda situation. Robin just logged on MSN. Tried talking to him, but he won't say a thing. I'd nudge him to get his attention, but he might get annoyed and block me and I'd rather not have that. I know he's really depressed though. The whole 'being single' thing is not doing well with him. Can't understand what Amanda's doing either. She knows he needs her, and with his heart condition too. If anything happens to him, I'm going to start screaming. I hate to take sides; they're both my friends. But I suppose Robin's situation is a bit more urgent than hers, though I can't help trying to be understanding towards her point of view either.

Life stinks.

I really hope things improve for those two. I just checked out Robin's blog and it's full of depressing stuff again. Meanwhile, I have to deal with these stupid spiders. One just drowned in my can of iced tea. Haha, stupid brainless creature.

- Tha Bitchy Boo